Monday, July 6

Influenster Jolly Voxbox Review

Influenster JOLLY Voxbox

The box was so much smaller than I pictured, a square box. But it fit all of the five products in it, the box was full to the top. The first thing I saw was the Skinny Cow divine chocolates, this was something I'd devour! 

Thursday, December 26

NYC HD Color Trio "Long Beach Sands" Review and Create this LOOK

I don't know how you feel about makeup. Maybe you are experienced, maybe you're excited about using makeup and getting into the makeup crazed world. NYC is an all around good brand, especially for beginners! When I was a teenager, this was my go to brand. But unlike when I was a teen, the company has come a long way from their old products to now.
            photo credit for RinSpeaks blog
Grade: B-(A being the excellent to F being the worst)
My favorite color is the highlight color, it's shows up, unlike the other colors, on my skin. The brown does not show up on my skin at all, as you can tell (I have medium brown skin tone). And the last color(to the very right), barely. But since I got this product to try, I don't mind. I would repurchase, but opt for a darker color selection but still keeping it natural, maybe a light colors of pinks. The pigmentation isn't so hot for this palette. Also the package is about as cheap as it can get. I dropped it once and the first(highlighter color) eye shadow broke into pieces and got into the other shadows and totally ruined the whole palette. And I only dropped it once! But there are good things about this palette. Such as, how easy it is to use, you don't need to be a makeup artist to use this palette to your advantage. It's great for beginners, and I think it's really geared toward teenagers, as the satin finish looks young and youthful.
Create this look:
Let me tell you these easy directions to achieve this. 
Step 1: Get your Long Beach Sands palette, fingers(or brushes), and a red lipstick or light pink eyeshadow
 photo credit for RinSpeaks blog
So this is going to be our guide. We're not gonna follow the instructions in the palette, so throw them AWAY!

Step 2: Apply a base. Such as a primer, foundation or even moisturizer! 
Step 3: Apply A over your highlight/brow bone and your inner corner and tear duct. 
Step 4 Apply C over your entire eyelid.
Step 5: Get a pink lipstick and dab some on your index finger and apply it on your outer V and blend. OR light pink eye shadow and apply it on your outer V and blend.
Step 6: Apply B on your contour/crease and blend!
Step 7: Apply eyeliner and generously coat your eyelashes with a mascara of your choice. 
Step 8: Proceed to your other eye and try to follow the exact same steps and make them look even.

And your look is complete! Be sure to comment and let me know how this worked out for you! 
Bye Lovelies!

****Disclosure: I received this product complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.****

Tuesday, December 24


Okay, so this is kind of exciting. I've always wanted to write a blog, but never really got around to it. But now that it's winter break and time is at my disposal mind as well get use out of it. I could sit here and write, or just browse aimlessly on the Internet for hours on end and have nothing productive done at the end of the day. You know what I mean, like everyday you should have at least one thing productive you got done. For example, you finally laundered those clothes which have been sitting on your bedroom floor for a week. Or you've arranged your messy bookshelf (best to worst). Why am I chattering about nothing at all? Useless.

Can I write? Yes. Am I particularly good at it? No. So now that I've got that out of the way... This blog is going to be about.. well, I haven't really figured that part out. BUT once I have I will get back to you. BYE! Kidding. My best guess is I'm going to write about really random weird stuff. Even though this is probably open for everybody to see, no one will really know who is behind all these words jumbled into a sentence. More importantly, no one would care. So why not? Yes. It's decided, I'll write about... the truth. About life! Aha! I'm mighty good at this. Here I go... Life is a beautiful journey transfixed with---- basically it SUCKS. Sorry, but it's called the ugly truth for a reason.

Now that I've destroyed all your hopes and dreams... Hah! Again. Totally joking! I'm getting a little bit overjoyed with this. Anyway, now that I got the ugly truth covered in for this post... I'll be done. Now. Now. Now!

Bye lovelies!